Happy New Year, friends! It's January, time for fresh starts, and I've decided to take the plunge and leap (um, not to mix my metaphors or anything) over to Wordpress. Why, you ask? To be honest, blogger has met my needs just fine for the last year and a half...I'm a pretty simple soul, not really into design or fancy features, and in the past, I haven't cared so much if something's flexible or extensible or exportable or rearrangeable or what. But I've been influenced by the cool people I work with and read, Wordpressionstas, all, and I'd like to see what I might decide to do, if I give myself the space to try fun new things. (So far: nothing particularly exciting. But the year is young!)
So, I hope you'll join me over at http://littlehelpplease.wordpress.com/ for another year of advice columns!
Monday 17 March 1661/62
3 hours ago